a b o u t

   I am a french student living in England. I am actually studying English History (Culture and language as well). I am fascinated by England and everything in connection with this wonderful country (I could say America as well, but I am much more obsessed with the motherland of the greatest royal family in the world).
   I love vintage clothes (or at least, I try very hard to dress like someone from the 50s or 60s, without looking silly), and hardback books (I like books in general, but having a hardback between your hands and smelling the delicious odor emanating from the pages is a real experience).
   I like to travel and to ear the different kind of accents present in the English Language. I have been living away from the Parisian area for now almost two years, and it is difficult for me to swing from a language to another (I must admit it, I sometimes forget some words from my natal tongue. Shame on me).
   I have a great passion for Museums, my dream is one day to work within one (but all dreams are difficult to accomplish, let's be realistic). I always moan about our modern society and dream to travel back in time to live in a different period of history (but when I really think about it, I wouldn't be the same without my phone or my computer: Technological dependence is ugly).